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Background : Dr Emily Stein is a microbiologist & immunologist with expertise in infection and inflammatory diseases. Her rescue dog had severe periodontal disease and when she looked around at products currently on the market they were chemical based. They did not address balancing out the bacteria in the mouth ,they just indiscriminately killed all bacteria. So she set about with her skill set to look at the bacteria in the mouth and what she could do about it. Dr Stien genome sequenced 165 dogs from young to old and found a heavy skew to pathogenic or harmful bacteria. So she has developed a very safe water additive called Teef,it is simple to use and helps to balance out the bacteria in the mouth.

Teef for Life - Dental Prebiotic - 30 Serves

SKU: 0001
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$53.00every month until canceled
  • It is a odourless powdered water-soluble additive which surpasses harmful bacteria by blocking there growth and selectively promotes beneficial bacterial which balances the microbiome of the entire oral cavity.

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